Strategic Goals

No university in the country has yet offered programs exclusively under a dedicated faculty for studies that focus on governance and society. SGS will fill that gap by providing this much needed academic input. Government, academia, civil society and communities will collaborate to discuss the key issues, challenges, and dilemmas faced by the country. The government needs viable solutions to host the problems, and SGS would provide a platform for free inquiry on issues of governance and society.

Key strategic goals of the SGS comprise:

  • Nowhere in our educational institutions is “Government” being taught as a subject, under a School of Governance and Society. SGS will fill this academic vacuum.
  • By educating the young graduates aspiring to join the government in subjects relevant to governance and society, the excellence of SGS will directly feed into and in the longer run, bring about a substantive improvement in the governance of Pakistan.
  • SGS will provide a forum for interactive deliberations on topics concerning governance and public policy challenges in Pakistan, involving academia, policy makers, intelligentsia, and the people. Thus, SGS will produce enlightened citizens who may not necessarily join the government but play a constructive role in catalyzing social change.  
  • SGS will provide a platform for much needed research on issues of governance, society, and public policy, thereby discovering the failings in each and adding value and meaning to each
  • By way of collaboration with domestic and overseas academic and training institutions, SGS will strive to maintain and, indeed raise, the high standards that UMT is proud of.

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