Academic Programs

MS Public Policy

Introduction Course Outlines Course Roadmap

Study of public policy has gradually received attention within the academic spheres of Pakistan. The size of training, educational and research establishments and universities, offering such programs has, therefore, steadily grown. Despite these developments, the outcome still fails to measure up to the multidimensional demands for policy experts. Rapid population growth, complexity of challenges facing statecraft, and lack of requisite endowment and skills with concerned departments, agencies and organizations aggravate the situation further. The civil society and sections of the public demand access to structured knowledge that could inform policy processes, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Meanwhile, operations by domestic as well international think tanks, humanitarian organizations, aid and development agencies have expanded in Pakistan, that profess to build and strengthen partnership-based interventions with the government, communities, social institutions and civil society organizations. Many of these, including but not limited to, Asian Development Bank, USAID, AUSAID, DFID, CIDA, JICA, UNDP, ICRC, UNHCR and also local NGOs, are offering professional programs, consulting jobs, and scholarships for advanced studies. They are hiring professional staff for their national and international headquarters, outsourcing research, evaluation, liaison and communication tasking, etc. This has diversified the job market that now encompasses a broad range of opportunities for an appropriately equipped work force.

The niche provided by emerging demand as against a scarce supply situation has warranted innovative academic leaders like the UMT to renew its commitment to leading and learning for the larger good of the state and society by announcing the launch of MS in Public Policy.

Program description:

The program aims at enabling prospective students to comprehend opportunities, challenges, resource constraints, and systemic impediments that characterize the national setting in all spheres of public policy. It will enable them to develop viable policy solutions to accelerate the pace of social and economic development in the country. This vision will be achieved by exposing them to a sustained and activity-intensive learning program. This will involve the entire range of theoretical frameworks, concepts and tools as well as empirical research, especially assimilating applied dimensions of public policy. The underlying focus will be on policy paradigms that impact human security in all its forms and manifestations, including economic development, constitutional and administrative laws, policy processes, mechanisms and procedures, interagency coordination, psychosocial and cultural dynamics, taxation, human rights, national security, environment, housing needs, and agriculture, to mention a few. The teaching approach encompasses a blend of learning methodologies consistent with modern practices i.e., seminar courses, case studies, structured group level discussion, policy reviews and analysis, simulations, editorial work, class room exams, internship and research.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Informed, ethical and creatively productive students

  • Cutting edge interdisciplinary knowledge

  • Skills, methods and tools

  • Professional qualifications

Program Summary:

Duration: 2 years

First year coursework, Second year Research Dissertation

No of Courses: 9

Per Course credit hours: 3,Thesis 6

Program credit hours: 30

Program Type: Evening

Semesters: 4

Entry Requirements:

  • Minimum CGPA of 2.50/4.0 in graduation or equivalent for fresh, and two years graduate degree with five years experience for Professionals and Executives.
  • 16 years of education with atleast 50% marks in last degree.
  • GRE / GAT (General) with 50% marks / Pre–admission Interview & test.

Career Prospects

Following are some sectors where our graduates can find potential job opportunities:

  • Public Sector
  • Corporate Sector
  • Criminal Justice System
  • NGOs and INGOs
  • Human Rights, Child  Rights, Women’s Rights Groups
  • UN and international financial institutions, aid agencies, donor agencies
  • Government policy groups
  • Think Tanks, Research Institutes and Monitoring Organizations
  • Government Planning Departments, Ministries and Attached Departments
  • Autonomous Organizations, Cultural and Entrepreneurial Bodies
  • Health, Social and Development Sectors

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Program Director

Dr.Aisha Azhar

Support Staff

Mr. Salman Ahmad

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